Community Investment

My name is Charlie Koch, I am the owner of Charles H. Koch Construction Inc. When God blesses you make sure you bless others.
About 15 years ago Habitat for Humanity planned some development near 6th Street & Walnut in Milwaukee. Myself and 3 Carpenters volunteered to help build 6 homes in 1 week. Jesus had blessed me greatly-time to give back. I personally witnessed 6 Women who were formerly on Welfare go out and work on someone else’s home, then they were able to get their own homes, get a job and be productive members of society. One Women said “I felt so miserable being on welfare, and so free owning my own home and having a chance to work. The blessing was all mine as I witnesses changed lives.
Six years ago a Pastor asked me if I would teach a bible study at a local prison. I was just previously in a severe construction accident and was dealing with a hard family situation. I said ” I’m pretty beaten down and will probably be of little value to the inmates. He said “Perfect, then God can use you”. I taught the prisoners as well as others I come in contact with on how to have forgiveness of sins and eternal life via the Bible. Just Jesus. No religion. We have seen many men get back with their wives, pay their dutiful Child Support, become hard working, tax paying, productive members of society. Some of the Men even became Pastors and had more children.

God has me micro focused on the man’s responsibility in marriage and I teach it hard. Jesus said “Husbands love your wife as Jesus loves the church and gave himself up for her”. Huge. huge, huge results. If your marriage isn’t good, nothing really is. I see these men on the streets, and they are mostly changed. New creatures in Christ and excited about their future too. Corinthians 5:17. That’s right, the blessings are all mine.
I have tutored Math at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, given day seminars to inner city men on how to be employable and how to keep a job. In some cases people fail because they just don’t know, no one has taught them well or they just have not listened. This could be inner city residents or me and my neighbors in Hartland. Sometimes certain agencies just want groups of people dependent on the government to bribe them with handouts so a certain political party can be re-elected to office. This keeps helplessly unemployed, the average tax payer and our government / society in the short term/long term. Nobody ever wins. If a man shall not work he shall not eat. 11 Thessalonians 3:10. This has always worked well for me.
We are now as time allows working in prison employment directives. This along with renewing your mind daily rebirth has/will keep many men from repeat sentences, and hopefully become stable, purposeful citizens. Just remember – sin is not isolated. It is in every household, every community and it takes on different faces. Poverty is not the problem the exploitation possibility is.
Several years ago I had the great opportunity to fight for the Wisconsin Marriage Amendment and it was passed. One man marries one woman. Wisconsin has some dirt that needs to be addressed. This abortion is just plain killing our next generation of leaders, workers, tax payers and our own morality. I believe God is wanting us to start sweeping it clean otherwise his blessings will evaporate. We have much to do yet and we are a great State to build on also.
Thank you Wisconsin for 39 years and a great life and the many wonderful opportunities to serve in business and in community. It has been a joy! Thank you God for freedom to serve you in America today!